What to do on the Day you feel like a Mom-Failure
We’ve all been there. The day that started rough and continued to get worse. By 4pm (all moms know this is the witching hour) all we want is a glass of wine and someone, anyone, to take the kids. We feel like even an amateur could have done better.
The kids have been in front of the tv for more than an hour and at this point, we.don’t.even.care. Maybe it was yelling at the kids or something said that wasn’t nice that started it all. Now we’re in full pity-party mode and consider the day a total bust.
Here’s what you need to do to turn the day around. C’mon, get up off the kitchen floor, and put away the ice cream.
- If you need to apologize, just do it. There’s no reason to delay. You can’t pay for what you did by your good works, or by feeling like crap for a certain period of time. Just own up to your mistake. Put your big-girl panties on and say those two painful words: I’m sorry. And mean it. There’s not many times that “I’m sorry” is rejected when it’s sincere. Your kids understand “I’m sorry” and kids are generally happy to offer forgiveness and a big hug. Take them up on it!
- Reframe your vision of the day. I know you think that absolutely everything went wrong today, but I dare you to revisit the day in your mind. Close your eyes and find one thing that was good today. Focus on that, and think of how you can repeat that or apply that to another area in your life. You’re not a failure, nor are you a failure at parenting. You just had a day that was extra-challenging. Congratulate yourself on the success of today, even if you can’t find more than one. It’s okay. Tomorrow, strive for two successes.
- Acknowledge your need for help. I mean, I know we all wish we could have a nanny or a mother-in-residence or a personal assistant, but that’s not what I mean. The Bible talks about a dilemma we all face: no matter how much we want to do right, on our own we cannot do it. We need the help of the Holy Spirit, whom the Bible calls our Helper. Human effort is not enough to overcome our selfish old nature! We can try! We can try harder and strive more, but human effort can only go so far. So ask for help, the Holy Spirit’s help. If you’ve asked Jesus to be your Savior, you already have the Holy Spirit living inside you.
- Start fresh, right now! You don’t have to resign the day to failure. Do something right now that would make today a day to be celebrated! Sit down with your little one and read a book. Clean up the kitchen. Write out the grocery list or plan dinner for tomorrow. Encourage someone who is struggling, even if it just sending a quick text. You can turn the day around and finish strong!
If you read the Bible, you are familiar with some of the themes throughout. God’s mercies are new every morning (fresh start)(see Lamentations 3:23). Don’t remember what lies behind, but press on to what is ahead (Philippians 3:13-14)! Don’t let a setback hold you back. Plunge on ahead and enjoy your fresh start!