Creative Conversation Starters with Your Kids
Today, take some time to talk- and listen- to your child. Forget “How was school today?” because you already know that answer. “Fine.” That answer tells you nothing.
I’m going to suggest some conversation-opening questions:
Lately, I’ve been asking my kids to tell me a story from their day. The responses have been so fun, because I usually learn something about the kids in class and their personalities. It also forces my kids to not answer with one-word answers. They have to lay out the scenario, detail the conversation, and why it was interesting. Telling a story also indicates I am not going to interrupt! Rather, I am listening. Try it! I think it works for kids preschool age and up (although preschool age, you might get a fiction story :)).
With my older kids, sometimes the question is, “What is stressing you out today?” followed by “How can I help you today?” or “I’ll support you however I can.” It acknowledges that school life is hard, and sometimes the pressure gets to them. I want my kids to be able to talk about the hard stuff, not just the triumphs.
My son and I like to impress each other with random facts we’ve acquired during the day. For me, it might begin with “Guess what I found out today? A whale’s tongue weighs as much as a school bus! Can you imagine!? Yuck!” Which in turn gives him the ability to tell me what he has learned or read, and sometimes I get a joke instead!
Sometimes the questions are “What was the best part of your day? Or “What was the worst part of your day?” Other times, “What are you thankful for today?” “What made today wonderful?” or “What did you do today that made it a great day?”
How about “Who did you play with at school today, and what did you do at recess?” Basically any question that cannot be answered with one word is a good starting-off point!
Make it a point to have a conversation with your child and really listen to how they answer. Ask follow-up questions. Listen with your eyes and your ears. Give them ALL your attention, because that confirms what they really need the most… to know that they are IMPORTANT to you. Smile and hug them tight. These are special gifts that moms possess and can give to their children.
Tell me in the comments how your conversations went!