mom failure
The Mom Expectations
Well-meaning people like to tell moms “You should take a rest!” Or the new catch-phrase, practice ”self-care.” The real problem, though, is not that we don’t rest once in a while. The problem is that we are trying to keep up with an impossible standard, and we haven’t even recognized it. We’re all attempting to be supermom, and we don’t even see it. We don’t seem to realize culture has set the bar so high for moms that no one can achieve it (without lying, or photoshopping, or hiring full time help). Let’s wise up to the expectations that are unwritten, yet entirely known: You have to…
Our Invisible Measuring Stick
Put down the measuring stick! You know, the one you use to measure how you did today- as a mom, as a wife, as a friend, as a professional? If you say you don’t have a measuring rod, I’m going to call your bluff. We all do! It’s not written down. It’s not spoken aloud. But it is as real as the yardstick leaning in my corner. By it we know if we passed or failed today or this week or with one of our children. If there was no measuring stick, then why would you feel like you were failing? I bet those…
Why I Don’t Like Grace….
But desperately need it! I have a love/hate relationship with grace. Like exercise, I know it’s good for me, but that doesn’t make me like it. See, I don’t want to NEED grace. I want to be the person who’s got my crap together, who doesn’t let anyone down, who never drops the ball. As I’m typing, I realize that statement is just dripping in self-righteousness and pride. YUCK. I know grace is a beautiful thing. I know grace came to save a wretch like me. But now, honestly, I don’t want to be a wretch anymore, and I don’t want to need saving. I’m thankful God saved me, and…